Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Burnside Residents Association

Peter has been instrumental in the setting up of the Burnside/Keighley Road/ Carleton Park residents association. 

Following the first meeting a treasurer and chairperson have taken the reigns Peter has accessed funding for effective setting up of the group.

The next meeting, to firm up the aims and select a secretary, is due to take place in April 2017.

The main aim of the association is to improve the local environment for all residents, be it ensuring the streets are cleaned to fighting inappropriate planning applications. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017


Broughton Road Community Centre

Peter- as Chair of the trustees of Broughton Road Community Center - has ensured that the running of the centre is open and aboveboard. 

The centre is now a registered charity and has benefitted from funding, accessed by Peter, to enable the safe use of the centre for all members of the community. 

An Open Day is planned for the near future to welcome ideas and suggestions from the community as to how best to use the centre for the benefit of all residents. 


Council Work

With Councillor Rose, Peter has been at the forefront of planning issues within the ward especially those concerning Carleton Road and Burnside.

He has worked to keep residents informed of planning applications ensuring that their voice is heard. 

A partial victory has been achieved as the application for yet more housing on Burnside has now been deferred. 


Towpath Funding Secured. 
Work due to start March 2017

The much-needed repairs to the canal towpath will be carried out at last! 

Thanks to the efforts of your Labour councillors, Peter Madeley and Chris Rose, funding has been made available and the work started this spring, beginning in March. 

Peter and Chris were hosting a: 
'Come and Help' community event on Wednesday March 8that the Aireville Park Canal Bridge.

The future of the towpath is safe too. Money will be available in the 2017 /2018 budget to pay for permanent improvements to the path, from Aireville Park, right the way along to Niffany Bridge.
For more information about the 'Come and Help' event or the towpath repairs generally, contact Peter on 07432 097617 or 


Help keep our streets clean

We want the Council to maintain all our streets, including the back lanes, 
and keep them clean. 

On-street bins

Thank you for keeping your bins in your back yard, so the lanes can be cleaned. 
And it's not just back lanes where you can help! 

The Council's maintenance teams can only clean main streets when cars are out of the way. 

Advance notice will be given when they're working in your area. 

Please help this vital work by moving your car. 

Bin-free back lane, ready for cleaning 


Continuing  challenging Rail Track 

to resolve the ‘pigeon problem’ 

on the Keighley Road bridge

Labour Councillor Peter Madeley and Councillor Chris Rose have been contacted by a large number of Skipton West constituents concerning the problem of the pigeons nesting on the railway bridge along
Keighley Road, Skipton, just south of the town centre. 

The bridge is the responsibility of Network Rail. 

The Environmental Department at Craven Council have increased their cleaning schedule but it is still a problem for residents who have to walk under the bridge and are in danger to be affected by the diseases that are carried by pigeon droppings. 

Below a link to a campaign to collect signatures of local residents affected by the ‘mess’ and intend to keep up the pressure on Network Rail until the pigeons are moved on.

Demonstration to make sure the NETWORK RAIL will take the responsibility of the appalling condition of our bridge on Keighley Road.
The demonstration will be at the Keighley road railway bridge

SATURDAY the 18th of APRIL 2017

We have a Facebook Group:

To ensure the wellbeing of our community: 
Please sign this petition for supporting the cleaning of the bridge:


Keighley Road Crossing

A major issue to be fought for is the essential requirement for a pedestrian island on Keighley Road. 

At present it is almost impossible to cross safely at any point beyond the railway bridge leaving the town centre. 

Peter will fight for this continuing his commitment to the safety of residents along the Keighley Road.